One year
Today officially marks one year since we started our journey of adoption. This year was all paperwork and waiting lists. We go in to year two with such high hopes that someone will fall in love with us. The reality is--we are already in love with a child that may or may not exist yet. Our year journey recap --in one post.November 19th - handed in registration form. The waiting list was expected to be about 4-6 months. We had to wait 4-6 months to find out if we would be approved to even hand in an application. (We started at #31 on the list)
February 24th– Our first blog post- announcing that we were going to (if accepted) grow our family through adoption.
April 1st –We were accepted to apply for the Domestic Infant Adoption program!
April 12th- Attended the two day required education courses
May 5th- Handed in our application
June 3rd – First part of our home study
June 13th- Home Visit- Second part of the home study- completed
June 18th- Officially approved to welcome a child into our home!!
June 18th- We were officially put on the waiting list for the “waiting family book” (We started at #11) They estimated about a 4 month waiting list. They informed us we wouldn't be notified again until we were number 5 on the waiting list. We expected to not hear anything until October.
August 14th- We got notification we were number 5 on the waiting list! Wowza –less than a month and we dropped to number 5.. That is a good sign. Time to get our profile ready!! They were now going to notify us every time we dropped on the list. We were waiting to hear that we were number 4.
September 8th- we received the written home study in the mail. (It takes them a while to write it)
September 12th- #2! We were number two on the waiting list!? What happened to 4th or 3rd? Not complaining
September 26th – Notification we were number 1! We were next to be put in the book.
September 26th –We were live on (Completely separate from the waiting family book)
October 10th- We were invited into the family profile book aka- waiting family book!
November 9th- Our profile was completed and in the mail
November 12th- Our agency received our profile in the mail
November 17th 2013-Our profile was officially placed in the waiting family book.
Don't forget---It is adoption awareness month! <3