Friday, September 18, 2015

Two under One

Life has been crazy in the Gerads' house. I finally found time to write a post! That's right both babies are napping at the SAME TIME! *MOMMY DANCE*

Where did we leave off? Oh yeah. I was supposed to write about our infertility story. I do still plan on sharing that story in a video in the coming month.

Kaetheo got promoted to being a big brother on April 28th 2015.

 I went in for my normal check up on April 27th with Kaetheo, my mom, and my dad. We were supposed to go out to lunch for my dad's birthday afterwards, but my blood pressure was high and the tests showed protein found in my urine, so they sent me straight over to labor and delivery. It turned out I was already having contractions, I just couldn't feel them.

I was induced at 11am, April 27th and Reverie was born on April 28th at 3:58 am via vaginal birth. I say that because I am so proud of myself. I beat all of the odds. With Uterus Didelphys (UD) you have a much higher risk of a breach baby, and luckily for u,s Reverie was head-down. It actually took me a while to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to go through a normal delivery. I almost begged the doctor to do a C-section just because that was what I had prepared myself for.

Kaetheo is 11months old! 

He started crawling at 7 months and at 10 months he started walking! His smiles and kisses are my favorite thing in the morning. He loves his little sister, he plays peekaboo with her and loves to try to get her to laugh. I can't believe he is going to be a year old in just two weeks. Someone tell him to stop growing so fast! 

Reverie is 4 months old.

She loves to laugh at her older brother and loves to be snuggled. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks which was nice for mommy and daddy. 
Oh gosh I wish I could update more but both kiddos are up.

We hope to have our journey to Kaetheo video ready by his birthday. It will include everything we went through for infertility treatments and adoption. (Many things we didn't get a chance to post about during our journey)